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The Indian Peptide Society (abbreviated as IPS) is a non-profit association dedicated to promoting the advancement of education and research in the field of Peptide science. Established with the intent to foster the scientific study of the Chemistry, Biochemistry, and Biology of Peptides, the society serves as a platform and common forum for scientists working on Peptides in India. 

Our Mission

The society aims to provide national and international platforms to facilitate communication, cooperation, and collaboration in all areas of peptide study.

Our vision

The horizons of the Indian Peptide Society extend beyond India, welcoming Indian peptide scientists worldwide to join and contribute valuable insights.

Our Philosopohy

By bringing together researchers and educators, the society aims to enhance collaboration, knowledge sharing, and the overall development of peptide science within the country.

Our services

What we provide

IPS provides a platform to network across its members and other researchers.

IPS is a forum to exchange ideas among peptide scientists.

IPS organises biennial Indian Peptide Symposium every alternate year.

Student symposium is organised every alternate year in different regions.

A dedicated Industry Symposium is being discussed to launch.

IPS recognise and award Lifetime Achievement and Young Scientist Awards.

IPS collaborates with other societies to help its members.

Encourage members to contribute their research updates oin IPS website.


Meet our Team

Prof. K N Ganesh
President - IPS

Former Director - IISER, Pune

Prof. Gautam Basu
Vice President - IPS

Adjunct Prof. - IISER, Kolkata

Mr. Rakesh Arora
Treasurer- IPS

Director - TechnoConcept

Prof. H N Gopi
Secretary - IPS

Associate Prof. - IISER, Pune

Prof. Govindaraju T
Executive Member

Professor - JNCASR

Prof. Nandita Madhavan
Executive Member

Professor - IIT Mumbai


Scientific Advisors

Prof. V S Chauhan
Former Director - ICGEB, New Delhi
Prof. P Balaram
Former Director - IISc., Bengaluru.
Prof. T K Chakraborty
Former Director - CDRI, Lucknow
Prof. A A Natu
Former Faculty - IISER, Pune

Life Time Achievement

Prof. K.S.N. Iyer
5th IPS 2015-Bengaluru
Dr. N. Shamala
4th IPS 2013-Kolkata (Recieved by Prof. Balaram)
Prof. C. Ramakrishnan
3rd IPS 2011-Pune
Dr. K.B. Mathur
2nd IPS 2009-Delhi
09 +

No. of Symposia


Years since Inception




LTA Award winners


Indian Peptide Society was founded in 2006 under  Societies Registration Act XXI of 1860 under Registrar of Societies Government of NCT of Delhi Registration No. S-59874. Objective of the society is to provide a platform & common forum to the scientists working on peptides in India and abroad to network, communicate and share knowledge and resources. 

Any one who is preferably of Indian origin and working in the field of peptide, its application and related area of research in academic or industry. 

Yes, we have student membership at very nominal cost of Rs.1000/- and valid for 05 years. Once a student membership is taken, that can not be renewed. However, after expiry of student membership or even before expiry, one can renew it with Life membership - Academia or Life membership - Corporate. 

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